When you decide to get involved in the process of relocating your business, it’s vital to take the time to map everything out so that the relocation is as smooth as possible and that you stay within the budget.
Here are the top concerns that you should keep in mind when relocating your business.
Equipment and Internet Installation
Many things go into pre-planning. One of the key ones will be thinking about how your equipment and internet will settle into the new environment. That is why you should always include your IT department when making plans for a big move. They are the ones that will be able to tell you if the real estate properties you found are suitable for the scale of your current and future operations.
Not only should you think about the hardware, but you should also think about the internet connection and software. Keeping these things in mind will save you heaps of money – imagine picking out a place, signing a lease, and finding out it doesn’t suit your business!
Another player to factor into planning is your internet provider. Not only are they great for consulting on these issues, but they’re also essential for setting the moving date. Since they need to be part of the moving process and relocate your IT infrastructure, you should look in advance if their schedule has an opening that suits you both.
If the provider is unavailable for a longer bout of time, it may be time to look for another internet provider.
Potential Loss of Productivity and Downtime
There may be a period of lower productivity you should account for, as well as a time when your systems are down. Even the best companies need to deal with those things when packing up equipment, scheduling providers, and moving from one place to another. Try thinking of a plan B that will lower the blow of losing time due to relocating the business. That way, it’ll be easier and quicker to set everything back up.
An efficient way not to slump in productivity is to have cloud-based solutions that let you work from anywhere, anytime. That way, your employees will be able to work from home temporarily.
Possible Impact on Employees and Stakeholders
People are drawn to companies that make it convenient for them to come and work there. No one wants to spend 30 minutes each day looking for a parking spot. Your company can deal with this by renting a lot or paying for parking. But once more, this will affect the price of your move and needs to be considered.
Next, from the perspective of commuting, the location should be in a convenient area. Take into account the fact that nobody wants to commute for more than 30 minutes to work.
Thinking About Future Growth
When relocating your business, it’s crucial to consider how the new location will affect you in the long run.
It is essential to check whether the labor pool at your new site can accommodate any potential employee increase. It might not be a major concern if the majority of your growth will come from business professionals like developers, accountants, lawyers, and marketers.
However, if you need to hire 50 more people with in-depth knowledge of agriculture, you might want to research to see if the local labor pool genuinely has the potential for that.
This is not limited to human capital. It also applies to the requirement to expand your facility’s space.
A thing to factor into future growth before relocating the business is possible renovations. Whether you need a server room, meeting space, or restroom facility, you must consider these updates and check with the professional IT team if their needs are met. For instance, they can let you know the ideal spaces for outlets and other tools if you’re building a new conference room.
Final Word
Once you have decided where, when, what, and who you’ll move to, make someone the designated point of contact for the relocation. They will be pretty busy with tasks of all sorts – from soliciting bids from movers to keeping staff in the loop about the plans.
In business, not every move works out. But by making sure the chosen location meets your needs, you increase the odds that the grass really will be greener and that your staff and yourself will flourish at the new location.