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Monthly Archives: November 2021

phishing attempts

5 Signs of Phishing Attempts

One of the most common ways hackers gain access to sensitive or confidential information is through phishing scams.

Scammers attempt to trick you into revealing personal information such as bank account information, passwords, and credit card details.

Your company is at risk if your employees do not recognize the signs of phishing attempts.

In this blog, we’ll talk about 5 signs of phishing attempts so you can learn how to spot scams and protect yourself.

Let’s start!

#1 Unfamiliar Greeting

Greetings are a common indicator of a phishing attempt.

If the signature in the email sounds more generic- Dear sir/madam, Dear customer, Dear client, and so on it could be a sign of a spear-phishing attempt.

Typically, no organization sends generic greetings to their customers/clients. Instead, they address their customers/clients by name. 

If a legitimate organization sends an email, it will include a contact number in the signature block. 

If you notice the mail and no contact information in the signature block, it could be a scam.

If a message appears strange, look for other signs that it could be a phishing email.

phishing attempts

#2 Spelling and Grammar Errors

Bad spelling and grammar are two of the most common indicators of a phishing email. 

For outbound emails, most businesses have the spell check feature enabled in their email client. 

Most web browsers also allow you to use autocorrect or highlight features. 

As a result, you would expect emails from a professional source to be exempt from grammar and spelling errors.

Many scammers are from non-English-speaking countries so even if they use a spellchecker you will probably be able to spot some grammatical errors that a native speaker wouldn’t make. 

#3 Scare Tactics

Phishing campaigns typically use intense language and scare tactics to create a sense of urgency, beginning with the subject line of the email.

This is done to trick a recipient to respond quickly and without recognizing the warning signs.

In addition to using urgent language, phishing emails frequently use scare tactics in the hope that readers will click malicious links out of panic or confusion. 

Such messaging is frequently framed around immediate updates or payments that must be made within a certain amount of time.

#4 Unfamiliar Email Addresses, Links, and Domain Names

To protect yourself from phishing attacks,look for distinctions in email addresses, links, and domain names. 

For example, it’s worth double-checking that the originating email addresses match those in previous correspondence. 

If there is a link embedded in the email, move the pointer over the link to see what shows up. 

If the domain names do not match, do not click.

#5 Suspicious Attachments

Phishing scam attempts frequently include malicious downloadable files, often compressed.zip files, that can infect your computer in addition to malicious links.

If the recipient receives an email from an unknown sender with an attached file, or if the recipient did not request or expect to receive a file from the sender of the email, you should be very careful with the opening. 

If the attached file has a file extension that is generally linked with malware downloads (.zip,.exe,.scr, etc.), recipients should flag the file to scan it before they decide to open it. 

How to Prevent Phishing Attacks?

It is critical to carefully examine all potential phishing attacks.

To truly combat phishing tactics, businesses must become more proactive, both through employee training and the use of security software, to better detect suspicious network activity and prevent potentially crippling attacks.

phishing attack

Employee Training

Knowledge is the best defense against spear-phishing campaigns. 

Hackers craft phishing scams to appear as persuading as possible, but they frequently include signs that expose the sham.

Requiring regular data security and social engineering training is an excellent preventative measure that will assist your organization in learning the signs of malicious emails.

Protect Your Information

If the website’s URL does not begin with “https,” or if there is no closed padlock icon next to the URL, do not enter sensitive information or download files from that site. 

Sites that lack security certificates may not be designed for phishing attacks, but it is always better to be safe.

Raise Cybersecurity

To raise your cybersecurity and increase your chances of avoiding phishing attempts, you should install firewalls and have a data security platform. 

Firewalls are an effective way to protect your computer from external attacks by acting as a barrier between your computer and the attacker. 

When used in tandem, desktop, and network firewalls can improve your security and reduce the likelihood of a hacker infiltrating your environment.

By automatically alerting on unusual user behavior and unwanted changes to files, a data security platform relieves some of the pressure on the IT/Security team.

If an attacker gains access to your sensitive information, data security platforms can assist you in identifying the affected account so that you can take appropriate action to prevent further harm.

Please CONTACT US at Demakis Technologies to find out more about how we can raise your cybersecurity and protect your business data and digital assets.

gdpr email

GDPR: How to Send Sensitive Information by Email?

In this post, we’re going to explain how the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulates email communication and data sharing.

We’ll also explain:

  • What kind of information you can send via email (according to GDPR)
  • Why it’s dangerous to send personal data by email 
  • How to securely send emails in line with GDPR

So if you want to know how to ensure GDPR email compliance and communicate securely via email, this article will help you. 

Let’s start. 

How does the GDPR affect email?

The General Data Protection Regulation is intended to protect consumers in the EU by allowing them to keep their data secure.

Any organization that handles the personal information of EU citizens or residents is subject to the GDPR.

While you may not think of email as subject to the GDPR, your mailbox in fact contains a trove of personal data.

This data means any personal information that identifies an individual (names, images, videos, email address, information posted on social media, etc.)

So, how does the GDPR affect email? 

Let us explain. 

Internal communication 

Many data security breaches come from internal communications. 

For example, an email sent between employees could include several types of personal data. Even something as simple as that might be resulting in a breach and a violation of GDPR. 

GDPR increases your responsibility to protect information and your internal communications. This means you have to choose a business-grade communication solution that’s fully GDPR compliant.

gdpr email sensitive information

Email marketing

GDPR applies to the personal data which is used to send emails, as well. 

There are six lawful bases for you to use people’s data. These are all listed in Article 6

A good marketing email should provide value to the recipient. It should be something they want to receive anyway. 

What the GDPR does is clarify the terms of consent. It requires organizations to ask for an affirmative opt-in to be able to send emails. And you must also make it easy for people to change their mind and opt-out. 

Marketing email is violating the GDPR only if:

  • it doesn’t give the option to unsubscribe
  • it’s sent to someone who never signed up for it
  • it doesn’t advertise a service related to one the receiver uses. 

Customer communication

It’s difficult, if not impossible, to communicate with your clients without receiving their 

personal data. This data could be as simple as their name and email address. If you are collecting it, you have to protect it. 

Here are three ways GDPR affects the way you collect and protect client data:

#1 Data minimization

How much information do you collect from your customers? Is it all necessary?

GDPR calls for businesses to minimize the amount of information they collect. In other words, collecting more data than you need from a client results in violation of GDPR. 

#2 Designing to be private 

Privacy by design” is a term used in GDPR. It requires companies to develop their systems with built in data protection measures.

Are you using consumer-focused communication tools that intentionally collect data? Or a secure, GDPR compliant, business-grade communication system? 

Don’t risk your client’s data. Use systems that are private and secure.

#3 When breached, notify 

The client data you store must be protected. If a data breach occurs, according to GDPR, your company must notify customers within 72 hours of realizing a breach occurred. 

What kind of information can you send via email?

When talking about unprotected emails, you can send anything that’s not personal data. Personal data is information that can identify an individual.

Examples of personal data can include: national insurance numbers, tax identification numbers, home / business addresses, phone numbers, payment card numbers, bank account numbers, dates of birth, copies of government-issued IDs and health information.

What kind of information you can’t send via email?

You shouldn’t send personal data via email. Sending personal information via email without encryption is violating GDPR. 

Consequences for violating GDPR can be serious: Authorities can impose fines up to €20 million or 4% of global turnover

Why is it dangerous to send personal data via email?

Sending sensitive information via email is insecure. Data travels over the internet unencrypted and can be intercepted. 

When sending confidential information via email, you don’t really know how many networks or servers the message will pass through. 

Emails sitting on your device may be accessible to a third party. For example, a cyber criminal might have compromised your account in a phishing scam. 

Let’s also not forget human errors. Sending sensitive documents via email to the wrong recipient is a very common mistake. 

gdpr email sending sensitive information

How to securely send personal data via email?

When it comes to sending sensitive data via email, encryption is the most feasible option. Email encryption technology has developed rapidly. There are companies now that offer end-to-end encrypted email service.

Also, cloud-based email is now a convenient and practical option. 

How to raise email security?

If you truly want to protect your sensitive data, you’ll need a cybersecurity team to back you up. 

Look no further than Demakis Technologies.

Our cybersecurity services can protect all your data and other technology assets, and you don’t even have to lift a finger.

Please CONTACT US to reach out to one of our IT professionals who can explain our offer and answer all your questions.

blockchain security

What Makes Blockchain Technology So Secure?

In this post, we’ll be discussing blockchain technology. Specifically, it will help you to understand the security behind blockchain and the potential this technology may have on the cybersecurity of your business. So if you want to learn what makes blockchain technology so secure, you’ll enjoy this article.

Let’s begin!

What is Blockchain Technology?

A blockchain is a decentralized database where information is stored in the form of chained blocks. The data is stored every time new information is recorded. Once added to the block users can access it, but the data itself can’t be modified since it’s chained to the sequence of other blocks. 

This makes the system virtually impenetrable and it’s almost impossible to hack, cheat, or change it. That’s why blockchain technology is used to store sensitive data in various fields, such as finance, healthcare, and cybersecurity.

How Secure is Blockchain?

Since blockchain is not centralized, there is also no single point of failure and the risk is distributed

The algorithm used to protect blockchain uses complex software rules that are extremely challenging for people to attack. 

Although attacks are not impossible, the blockchain security model is much safer than any other database available nowadays. And this means there’s minimal risk of cyberattacks.

secure blockchain technology

What Makes Blockchain Secure?

Blockchain security systems rely on different mechanisms that involve mathematical models of behavior and advanced cryptographic techniques. 

Each block in the system has its own unique cryptographic fingerprint, and some of them, like Bitcoin, for example, have a consensus protocol, too. 

Generating each fingerprint takes a large amount of computing time and energy.  If someone tried to alter the blockchain, they would have to generate a new hash, so any tampering would be identified.

Secure blockchain technology serves as the underlying structure behind most cryptocurrencies and that is exactly what protects that kind of digital money from being destroyed or duplicated.

However, the security of blockchain technology is not all simple, so let’s go over some of its basic concepts:

The concepts of immutability and consensus

The concepts of consensus and immutability are the two most important factors of the security behind blockchain. 

Consensus is the ability of the nodes within a blockchain network to agree on the validity of transactions and on the true state of the network itself. It makes sure that the rules of the system are being followed. The process of achieving consensus depends on consensus algorithms.

Immutability is the ability of blockchains to prevent attempts of alteration of transactions that were already confirmed. It guarantees the integrity of data after each new block is confirmed.

Together, immutability and consensus provide the framework for basic blockchain security.

The role of cryptography in blockchain security

Secure blockchain solutions rely on cryptography to establish high data security, and lots of importance is placed on cryptographic hashing functions. 

Hashing is what happens when an algorithm receives a data input and returns an output known as a hash, which has a predictable and fixed size. 

Hashes serve as unique identifiers for different data blocks, and each block’s hash is created in relation to the data contained in the previous one, which creates a chain of linked blocks. 

Cryptography plays an important role in the consensus algorithms, immutability, as well as in wallet security when it comes to storing cryptocurrency. 

The nature of the cryptography system does not allow anyone else except the private key holder to access funds stored in the wallet.


Cryptoeconomics is connected with the field known as game theory, which creates mathematical models of decision-making using situations with predefined rules. 

Although the theory has many applications, cryptoeconomics focuses on the activity of nodes in blockchain systems.

The security that comes from cyptoeconomics lies in the notion that nodes are more incentivized by blockchain to act honestly than to engage in malicious behavior. 

The balance of risks and rewards is another layer of protection in the overall blockchain security that prevents potential attacks, especially when it comes to large networks. 

Even if an attack was successful, the cost of getting 51% of control of a large blockchain network would be astronomical and the reward couldn’t stand to match it. 

security of blockchain technology

Potential Use Cases of Blockchain Technology for Cybersecurity

Cybercrime is the greatest danger for many enterprises and blockchain technology can help fight it. Let’s mention some of its potential uses in cybersecurity:

  • When it comes to password protection, blockchain security tips can be used for the development of standard security protocol, which could beat end-to-end encryption.
  • Blockchain technology could prevent hacker attacks on smart homes by decentralizing the administration of smart systems behind such technologies.
  • Through decentralization of DNS entries, blockchain could help prevent DDoS attacks.
  • It can use encryption to protect data from unauthorized access while in transit.
  • Large quantities of data are generated daily, and storing them in a centralized structure can simplify hacker attacks. When the data is stored in a decentralized blockchain system, it is nearly impossible for hackers to gain access.

If you are interested in reading about the newest advances in cybersecurity, visit Demakis Technologies and follow our blog.