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Monthly Archives: March 2021

website design trends

Website Design 2021: What’s “in”& What’s NOT

In this article we’ll be addressing the latest trends in website design for 2021.

Specifically, we’ll take a look at trends both businesses and professionals should include in their web design, and those they should definitely drop.

So if you want to know what’s “in” and what’s NOT in website design for 2021, you’ll want to read this article.

Let’s dive right in!

Web Design: What’s NEW?

web design trends

The world has changed over the last year.

Lockdowns, remote work, social distancing, and the new normal have all affected the role of web designers.

But web designs affect the world around us more than we think.

With more people spending their time online, web design has become an integral part of the day-to-day human experience.

In 2021, web design trends seem to stayaway from hi-tech and lean towards realism.

Web designers are blending digital with everyday life in their designs, like never before.

What’s “in” Latest Web Design Trends to Track

Researching website design trends of 2021, we’ve come across a lot of new and interesting design elements that we implement in our work.

These trends look completely different from previous years, and what you may be used to.

So in this part of the article, we’ll explore 5 modern web design trends you should keep track of in 2021:

#1 Support a Cause

In 2021, more brands, companies, and designers are speaking out in support of a cause.

The product itself is no longer enough for customers to choose it.

With a lot of environmental initiatives and social movements like #BlackLivesMatter, many people select brands and products that support the same causes as they do.

If the brand shares customers’ values and principles, they feel connected to the product.

E-commerce design was quick to catch up to this trend.

E-commerce businesses are now using bold, iconic visuals to showcase the cause they represent.

In doing so, they’re making themselves more appealing to more customers who’d prefer to choose a brand that stands in support of a shared cause.

#2 Sensitivity and Optimism

In 2020, we all experienced the same crisis. This has led many brands to focus on the emotional wellness of customers.

People are tired of pessimism. They’re looking for optimism and joy in brand messaging.

That’s what designers should focus on this year.

A friendly, supportive, and joyful tone is what people want to see on your website. Colors and fonts should be lighter and brighter than last year.

Using a playful copy in combination with a vivid design to make people laugh is also a plus.

#3 Scrolling Transformations

trends in website design

One of the web design trends for this year is the transformation of the scrolling experience.

This transformation includes color scheme changes, animated transitions, and complete shifts in the website layout.

There is also a growing trend of visual storytelling on websites.

Designers use animations and beautiful illustrations, making each scroll seem like a new page.

A new trend among web designers is experimenting with horizontal scroll. It is a different and practical way to present secondary information progressively thatengages website visitors.

#4 Grain Design Trend

Grainy textures give websites a personality and a more natural feel.

Studio Gusto, for example, uses a lo-fi design website that gives a new and different user experience.

#5 Abstract Compositions and Cartoon Illustrations

In 2021, web designers are mixing abstract shapes into complex compositions.

These abstract compositions are taking the place of stock photography.

As a result, websites are expressive and vibrant, even in the absence of human faces.

One of the interesting design trends is also cartoonillustration.

Cartoons have gained popularity because they offer a lot to the brand message, especially in terms of creativity and a personal touch to the brand’s storytelling.

What’s “out”: Web design trends to drop in 2021

#1 Using Code

website design code

No code – means that you can become something more, no matter who you are.

Not using code to design a website eliminates the dividing lines between people who aren’t web developers.

Through no code, writers can design websites, designers can be front-end developers, and small businesses can get into the world of e-commerce.

People with the same goal can get together in collaboration to design great things.

#2 Flat Aesthetic vs Retro Touch

Web development is constantly movingforward, but when it comes to web design, designers like to bring up the old times.

The flat aesthetic is out, and designers are trying to deepen consumers’ online experiences.

The fashion of the early 2000s is coming back — quirky and unpredictable layouts, textures, and patterns.

Brands that want to stand out should use unusual layouts and themes, with a retro touch.

The page for Spotify’s Carnival promotion is an example of traditional fonts with a cool and modern spin.

#3 Colors

This year, people will probably spend most of their time online, just like last year.

Web designers had that in mind. So the colors are focused on being easy on the eyes.

In 2021, web designers should stay away from extremes of dark and light, and use soft color palettes and pastels instead.

These are calming and relaxing – just what people need in these hard times.

“There will be a competition for making designs as simple as possible with subtle and cool colors, so that users can spend more time looking at a website design.” Tweeted RV™, a designer at 99designs.

If you’re looking to avoid these trends in the design or redesign your website, we can help.

Demakis Technologies offers web design services following only the latest UI and UX trends.

We build websites that are functional and easy to use, but also gorgeous to look at so your main platform can attract visitors and persuade them to buy your products or services.

We also provide cyber security services, so you know the website you get will be 100% safe to use.

Contact us to get in touch with one of our professionals to get a brand new website that’s safe and easy to use, attractive for visitors, and one that converts like crazy!

Cyber Attack on Space Webinar

Cyber Attack on Space Webinar

Hello and welcome to new webinar at “Tea Time With Demakis”. In this webinar we will be discussing Cyber Attack on Space.

We will be talking about space security and the ways to protect space assets from cyber-attacks.

We’ll also explain:

  • Why certain systems are vulnerable;
  • What the main threats to space infrastructure are;
  • The possibility for you to travel in space;
  • How to prevent terrorism cyber-attacks.

Demakis Technologies offers a full cybersecurity service that protects your data and other vital resources.

Please contact us to find out more about this service, and one of our professional engineers will be glad to help answer any questions you may have.

future proof your business

Future Proof Your Business with Technology

Today, we’ll address some of the ways you can future-proof your business with technology.

Specifically, we’ll explain:

  • What future-proofing is (in the business sense)
  • How to tell whether your business is future-proof
  • How to leverage technology to achieve this goal
  • What that technology is
  • Bonus trends you can implement to ensure future-proofing

So if you want to know the most effective ways of making your business remain relevant now and in the future, you’ll find them all right here.

Let’s begin!

What is future-proofing a business?

Future-proofing is a business strategy. The basic(dictionary) definition of future-proofing states that:

“If something is future-proof, it will continue to be useful or successful in future if the situation changes.”

To future-proof your business, you’ll have to adapt to present challenges without losing sight of any future pain points that may appear down the line. You’ll have to make changes to the structure, processes, people, and technology within your organization so that they don’t become irrelevant in the future.

This future-proofs your business by helping you create an agile organization that easily adapts and overcomes any challenges it encounters. One of the simplest ways to ensure a stable future of your company is to leverage technology.

How can technology help future-proof a business?

How to tell whether your business is future-proof

The first step to using technology for future proofing your business is to promote a positive attitude and the right understanding of new technologies. In fact, technology can help your organization to evolve and enhance inside work practices.

The future of work is to use automation to eliminate tasks that no longer require human engagement. This allows employees to focus on more complex operations, which raises output and efficiency, and saves your business time and money. An example is the automated marketing process. A forecast suggests that this will allow the marketing industry to grow up to $6.4 billion by 2024.

Whether you’re a startup or a large enterprise, using new technologies will make it possible for you to adapt to business industry trends and sudden disruptions, as was the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020.

Which technology should you look to implement?

future-proofing your business

Implementing a range of digital technologies helps businesses improve efficiency and security. The main thing to decide here is which aspects of the business need the most attention.

Let’s see some of the top technologies that you can adopt to secure the future of your firm.


Hyper-automation is a combination of machine learning, multiple software, and robotic process automation. These technologies create an intelligent system that can control and complete a variety of business processes. Basically, this enhanced system does menial tasks automatically, instead of your employees having to do them manually.

Multi-Cloud computing

Multi-Cloud computing means splitting data storage and management between several cloud platforms. Your company can split storage between multiple providers, or you can use a distributed cloud provider that distributes the data between multiple data centers. Distribution across multiple data centers protects your data and creates a secure remote working environment for everyone involved with the organization.


The threat of cyber-attacks against businesses is increasing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent move to remote work. A lot of companies lose millions of dollars each year because cyber-criminals get unauthorized access to critical data and assets. To avoid this, you should invest in technology that can strengthen your company’s cybersecurity.

New trends in business that future proof business

trends you can implement to ensure future-proofing

Here are 3 emerging business trends that future-proof your organization:

#1 Engaging your employees

Employee’s represent a significant investment of a company’s time and effort. Low retention rates are forcing businesses to constantly hire and train new staff. Your company should be attractive to potential hires. You can get there by offering, training, bonuses and other benefits.

Keeping your employees satisfied can be a great way to future-proof your business. Besides having a consistent workforce, you will also enhance productivity.

#2 The rise of the data economy

Nowadays, companies have the ability to collect huge amounts of data related to various business activities. One way is to use data to gain a deeper understanding of your customers.

For example, you can use online surveys to collect information about customers’ needs. You can then leverage data analytics to generate meaningful insights and adjust sales strategies according to what your customers want vs. what you think they want. You can also use the data to implement UI and UX trends that future-proof your website, and create a personalized experience that’s also easy to use and navigate.

#3 The growth of virtual marketplaces

The way people buy goods and services is constantly changing. Thanks to the disruption caused by COVID-19, more people are shopping online now than at the height of the pandemic. In fact, according to a new survey by PYMNTS, nearly 36% of all U.S. consumers are buying retail goods over the internet.

This is why you have to move your goods or services offers online, and create an e-commerce store besides your bricks-and-mortar points of sale.

Is your business future-proof?

To answer this question, you’ll need to evaluate your organization:

  • Can you handle the disruption caused by COVID-19?
  • Are your sales figures down? Why are they dropping?
  • Can you support a remote working environment?
  • Did you dismiss some of your staff in 2020? Why?

Whatever your answer, the outlook isn’t bleak. A few simple adjustments and the right technology can remove all of these pain points.

And we can help you with that!

Demakis Technologies can help future-proof your business so it can overcome any of the modern challenges you face now and in the future.

Contact us right now to find out how our managed services can streamline the digital transformation of your business and make it bullet-proof for years to come.

growth in saas

Growth in SaaS

Today, we are taking a look at the state of Saas (Software-as-a-Service). Specifically, we’ll explain the recent growth in SaaS industry. We’ll address:

  • The reasons why SaaS is growing
  • What the benefits of SaaS for your company are
  • The latest Saas industry trends
  • The future of SaaS in the next few years.

Let’s begin!

Why is SaaS growing?

The number and type of users of SaaS products have increased rapidly. Companies of all shapes and sizes see SaaS as an affordable, agile and modern solution for their digital transformation. But let’s get into more detail and examine some of the main reasons why that’s happening:

saas market trends

Security and reliability

Having your own server handling your customer’s valuable data requires a huge investment, especially if you want it to be reliable. An easy way to ensure the security, reliability and efficiency of those systems is to use outside services like Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure cloud.

Subscription-based pricing model

The subscription-based pricing model of SaaS solutions is also rapidly changing the way companies consume software. It takes a lot less upfront capital to subscribe to a SaaS product than to purchase on-premise software or a license to use it. It’s also more sensible especially for smaller businesses to pay a monthly fee, which opens up the SaaS market to greater demand and growth.

Multiple SaaS solutions

A single SaaS solution is not enough for large-scale projects. But luckily, companies can integrate this type of software with APIs, for example.

Multiple SaaS solutions can then provide users with a diverse set of resources to address different demands. As a result, organizations effectively get access to the necessary features and functionality for the end-user. But that also means businesses are now using more than one software solution, which is additionally raising the rate of growth of the SaaS industry.

SaaS Industry Trends

Now, let’s take a look at some of the biggest trends in the SaaS industry at the moment:

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Businesses are learning that having AI to analyze data can free their staff up to spend more time with customers. SaaS combined with AI capabilities enables these companies to get better value from their data, but also to automate and personalize their services, and improve overall security.

Machine learning is another fast-growing trend. Netflix’ personalized content suggestions are a prime example of machine learning in SaaS-type models. And these innovations are just the beginning.

machine learning netflix saas

Vertical SaaS

Vertical SaaS providers offer the possibility of adapting features according to the demand of your company or industry. Vertical SaaS provides more flexibility and upselling opportunities, while effectively addressing customer needs. Examples of vertical SaaS include healthcare analytics software and modern logistics analytics.

Data security

Moving processes to the cloud comes with new security concerns. That’s why SaaS is focusing more on data security and protection, and cybersecurity in general. We’ll see this trend grow in the next few years as there will be more SaaS companies exclusively built around the need to ensure data security, privacy, and protection.

Cloud Growth: SaaS vs other cloud services

Cloud services are probably the brightest part of the future of SaaS. Despite all of the disruptions in the last few years, the growth of the SaaS industry remains steady thanks to cloud computing.

The recent anti-COVID-19 measures like social distancing, for example, were only possible thanks to cloud technology which allowed businesses to adapt to a new remote environment.

But all SaaS solutions are cloud-enabled systems. This means businesses can use the cloud to expand the functionality of their systems and extend it far beyond the initial offer.

Future trends in cloud computing

Growing worldwide public cloud spending

Organizations dominating the enterprise software world —such as IBM, Oracle, Microsoft — will likely maintain their market share for enterprise software products because the number of customers using SaaS is growing. Gartner expects worldwide public cloud spending by end-users to grow to $304.9 billion by 2021.

future trends in cloud computing

Multi-Cloud And Joint Cloud

This year we’ll see the beginnings of multi-cloud and joint provider cloud offerings, as providers realize they can partner up to accelerate launches, according to Park. The Oracle-Microsoft interconnect relationship that started in June of 2019 is an example of a relationship that could be expanded, said Young.

Serverless Cloud

According to Derek Swanson, going serverless is the next evolution of application architecture. He noted that the serverless interface on the cloud will become the interface developers interact with the most in the next few years.

What’s the future of cloud computing?

Since companies are finding new ways to organize, process, and present data, we can expect cloud computing to become an integral part of our lives.

“The future of cloud computing will most likely represent a combination of cloud-based software products and on-premises compute to create a hybrid IT solution that balances the scalability and flexibility associated with cloud and the security and control of a private data center.’’, said Michael Corrado, from Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

If you already use SaaS solutions to automate your business operations and processes, managed services can help you further streamline your architecture and its usability.

Please contact us or visit Demakis Technologies to see how we can help you optimize your digital transformation and raise the efficiency of your tech architecture.

Newest Trends in MSP

Newest Trends in MSP

In this post we’re going to inform you about the newest trends among managed service providers (MSP). Specifically, we’ll address the following:

  • What is an MSP?
  • Why you should use an MSP
  • How it can help you
  • Which industries need an MSP the most
  • The top trends in MSP you need to look out for

So if you’re looking to choose an MSP for your business, you’ll enjoy reading this article. Let’s begin.

What is an MSP?

Cybersecurity Trends in MSP

A managed service provider (MSP) is a company that offers remote management and support to a customer’s IT infrastructure. Nowadays, MSPs provide specific IT services such as data storage or cybersecurity, but also other tech services used in the legal, financial, healthcare, and other industries. Managed security services providers, for example, offer services such as remote firewall administration.

Managed Services vs Professional Services

Industry regulations and standards are constantly evolving. Companies need to invest a lot of money in hiring new employees and dedicate a lot of time to implement new technologies.

To avoid these problems, leaders are choosing MSPs instead of professional services, as they provide a more targeted approach to handling the challenges of the modern digital transformation in business.

Besides saving your company more money and time than professional services, an MSP provides a more stable and predictable base of business, as well.

Managed Service Provider vs Outsourcing

Although both Managed services and Outsourcing involve hiring an external organization, they involve different scopes of service. With outsourcing, you hire an external company to help address specific business needs. It can bring benefits to your business. But it usually only covers standardized processes or a specific service.

A managed service provider, on the other hand, offers a comprehensive range of technology services within one or many technology domains. These companies have large teams of skilled IT professionals that provide support and innovation for a wide range of IT services. MSP is really about people, processes and tools that are used.

Why use an MSP?

MSPs are becoming more important and popular with time, and there are a lot of advantages to it.

Here are the top 3 reasons you should consider using an MSP:

#1 New technologies

MSPs help your company quickly implement new technologies. In turn, new technologies will help automate your business and improve both processes and operations.

#2 Creating custom solutions

MSPs help you create custom solutions for your business’s main operations. This ensures they are running efficiently. But also, MSPs will regularly monitor and maintain your business operations, making sure that you are meeting all the industry regulations.

#3 Predictable costs

MSPs give the advantage of predictable IT support costs to customers of all sizes.

Which industries need IT managed services?

Small and medium-sized businesses are typical MSP customers. Companies that have limited in-house IT capabilities, choose MSP’s service to obtain IT expertise. Larger enterprises can also contract MSPs and use them as consultants or jointly with their internal IT teams.

Technologies Trends in MSP

Top MSP trends in 2021

In 2021, we expect important trends from last year to continue developing, but new ones to arrive on stage as well.

Here are the top 5 MSP trends this year:

#1 Cloud and Automation

It is difficult to keep your customers if you can’t fulfill their needs. A Cloud MSP helps your company initiate and achieve the digital transformation. The biggest benefit is that they only charge for the services that you are using.

The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the cloud’s importance. The Aptum Technologies report stated that 95% of companies use some cloud computing models. Automation helps with removing all the repetitive tasks from business operations. It saves employees’ time and can also help in implementing automation solutions specifically made for your business processes.

#2 IoT Technology

MSPs help companies adopt new IoT (Internet of things) technologies. More than 10 billion IoT devices are connected to the internet and the number is rapidly growing. For businesses, it’s very difficult to find employees in this area of expertise and the investments cost a lot, so an MSP can be the solution.

#3 Immersive Technologies

As we live in times of social distancing, retailers of physical experiences are increasingly investing in AR/VR (augmented reality/virtual reality), 3D content, and 360-degree video. We can see more retailers uploading 3D models to their product pages, and using AR technology to allow consumers to visualize furniture at home, for example. MSPs should be able to offer these technologies, as they provide a new and safe experience for buyers and sellers.

#4 Use of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence trends in MSP

AI helps technicians detect anomalies in systems much faster and suggests efficient ways to repair them. MSPs that offer AI solutions and machine learning are also able to analyze big data and provide insight into customer experience that can help your business improve user satisfaction. Shawn Mills, CEO at Lunavi, sees MSP and technology consulting firms as the future in AI, machine learning, and smart applications, but only after organizations have built a solid data platform.

#5 Cybersecurity 

Companies need a large budget for protection against cyber-attacks. They also need experts for implementing security solutions. MSPs offer to continuously monitor your infrastructure from cyber-attacks. If someone is attacking your system, MSPs can implement measures to defend it and ensure that all the necessary steps are taken to protect your critical assets.

If you’re looking for managed services that can provide your business with any of these trends, Demakis Technologies can help you.

Please contact us immediately to get in touch with one of our IT professionals who can help you make the right decision based on your business’s needs.